Your senior year of college can be a very stressful time. Unless you’re continuing your education, It’s your last time being in school, and a lot of your peers are probably starting to talk about their job search. As your time in the real world rapidly approaches, it’s easy to feel lost and confused.
You’re overwhelmed, unsure of where you’ll be or what you’ll be doing in a year from now. However, worrying isn’t going to help you, and, luckily, there are steps you can take during your senior year to help ensure that you find a job after college.
Work on perfecting your resume
Now is the perfect time to improve, or create, your resume. ETS has plenty of resources you can use to make it a much less daunting task. You might feel like you don’t have enough impressive accolades to showcase, but don’t discredit yourself! Odds are you already have experiences that show you are a hard worker and a leader, whether it’s through clubs, teams, or any kind of awards you’ve received. You still have a year of college left, and it’s never too late to join a club that will strengthen your resume!
Start networking
Sometimes the difference between getting a job and being denied is who you know. Networking can be uncomfortable at first, but don’t be afraid of putting yourself out there! If you make a lasting impression on someone, they’ll remember you and might put in a good word for you if a job opens up. Your college probably holds networking events where you can meet alumni who work in your field. Try to find something you have in common with these people so that you can make a lasting connection.
Another way to network is to create a Linkedin profile. This platform is a valuable tool to connect with people online and view jobs in the field you’re interested in. Make sure to connect with friends, old coworkers, professors and ETS Recruiters. Your profile is essentially an online resume, and it will help put your name out there, and most employers will look at your profile if you apply for a job with them.
Get an internship
While a college education will certainly help make you qualified for a job, a lot of the time employers are looking for experience. Internships are a great way to strengthen your resume and make you stand out. Not only do they show that you have ambition and an understanding of workplace expectations, they also give you an opportunity to explore the field your interested in.
An internship allows you to better understand what someone in your field does on a day to day basis. This will help you decide your likes and dislikes and what exactly you want to do after college. Plus, you gain many new connections when you start an internship that could help you land a new job!
Make yourself stand out
Employers have seen thousands of resumes. Plenty of people have good grades and have participated in extracurriculars, so it’s important to showcase your personality in some way. Having some kind of side project makes you more valuable, because it lets employers know that you are motivated and ambitious. Start a website like a blog or an online portfolio for writing, photography, or videos you’ve made. If you’re interested in business, maybe try creating an online store to show your entrepreneurial side. Try to embrace your creativity, it will make you more likely to be remembered by an employer.
Look at your social media accounts
Today, most of our lives are documented online, and your future employer is definitely looking through your social media to make sure you are the kind of person they want representing their company. Look through everything you’ve posted and make sure it’s something you’d be comfortable with everyone seeing and that it will paint you in a positive light. Delete anything that is negative, offensive, or that might make an employer think you aren’t the right person for the job.
Live in the moment!
It’s your last year of college! I know it’s easy to be hyper-focused on the future but don’t forget to enjoy it! Spend as much time as you can with your friends because it’s the last year you’ll all be living a short walk away from each other. Do things that you’ve been wanting to do, but never got around to, and say yes more. Join clubs, go to events and take advantage of all the opportunities college brings, because otherwise you’ll look back on your four years there and wish you did.
Senior year is a very emotional time. You’re preparing to make a big change in your lifestyle by finishing your education and moving on to the real world. It can seem scary, but there’s no reason to panic. There are a lot of steps you can take to make the process a little easier, and our expert recruiters are here to help every step of the way.