As we head into winter, ETS wants you to know we care about your health and well-being. This year, in the midst of a pandemic, it’s important to make sure you are staying fit and healthy. While the viral threats may be different from usual this year, the truth is that you should still be using many of the same strategies that you use in a typical year. Below are some tips that can help you keep yourself and your loved ones safe and healthy.

Always wear a mask in public
This is critical for keeping COVID and even the flu at bay and for keeping others safe. Also keep your distance from others, especially when indoors.

Wash your hands
Practicing good hand hygiene isn’t fancy or novel, but it works. Washing with simple soap and water, and using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available, can help keep you from transporting germs from an infected surface to your eyes, nose or mouth.

Eat healthy
Prime your immune system to effectively fight disease by keeping your body healthy. Follow a nutrient-rich diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Lower your sugar intake! Take a Vitamin D supplement. In the North Country, we can’t get enough Vitamin D from the sun in the winter so it’s important to take a supplement. Studies show a link between Vitamin D deficiencies and more severe cases of COVID.

It’s important to get regular exercise for cardiovascular health, to keep weight down and to keep your body strong to fight off infections. Regular exercise may reduce the risk of acute respiratory distress syndrome, a major cause of death in patients with COVID-19 virus, a top exercise researcher reported recently.

Curious about the health measures employers are implementing to ensure the safety of their employees? Connect with an ETS team member to chat about open job opportunities, and how you can stay safe at work via live chat below.