Slips, trips and falls cause the majority of general industry accidents, and a number of accidental deaths – more fatalities than all other accident causes but motor vehicles.
You can fall when walking, standing, or even sitting in a chair, but most occur while walking. Causes may include oil or water spilled on a floor, losing your footing on stairs or a gravel path, a slippery parking lot or a wet floor, or tripping over a loose wire.
Paying attention to the conditions around you and looking before you walk can help you prevent painful and disabling slips and falls.
Conditions to look for:

  • Is the floor clean and level? Is it dry?
  • If you are carrying something, can you see where you are going?
  • Are there any “wet floor” warning signs?
  • Are aisles and passageways clear?
  • Do stairs have hand railings?
  • Are ladders used safely?
  • Is lighting adequate in all work areas, halls and stairways?
  • Do employees wear appropriate footwear?

Basic and Recommended Practices
Complying with certain basic OSHA standards (for “Walking and Working Surfaces”) will go a long way toward preventing injuries from slips, trips and falls:

  • Keep all places of employment clean and orderly and in a sanitary condition
  • Keep floors clean and dry
  • Keep aisles and passageways clear and in good repair with no obstruction across, or in, aisles that could create a hazard
  • Provide floor plugs for equipment, so power cords need not run across pathways
  • Provide warning signs for wet floor areas
  • Keep exits free from obstruction

For more information on avoiding slips, trips and falls contact the ETS HR Department by calling 518-562-4673.